by Motavenda Melchizedek


this is a cool exercise I found on this gentleman's site where he says to just ask yourself "what's my purpose" and keep writing until you start to cry....that is when you will know you have found the answer....

what is my true purpose in life?

to be joyous.
to be free.
to be free from the reach of darkness.
to return to my seat of ascension.
to manifest my own perfection.
to sit in beauty.
to exist unharmed.
to break free and live beyond the grip of the shadow.
to be happy.
to dance.
to create art.
to exist without fear.
to be who I am without being destroyed for it.
to be open and honest and true with everyone I meet.
to create a life from pure energy.
to live and prosper from pure life force.
to work with the highest energy to create a life of divine perfection.
to live unencumbered by darkness.
to be invincible in the face of the shadow.
to love myself.
to love the beauty of the path I have chosen.
to love myself in spite of all of the hatred and rejection I have faced.
to embody the light.
to thrive.
to know love of the highest order.
to be loved for who I truly am.
to awaken the hearts and souls of those who have lost their way.
to remind people of the sacred path.
to survive everything and remain pure of heart.
to know everything and be open and innocent.
to find my way back into the arms of something loving and high and powerful and true.
to know that god loves me.
to know that I am loved somewhere for being myself.
to complete my metaphysical work.
to reunite with my counterpart.
to stop at nothing.
to never lose my way.
to be in spite of everything.
to love myself even when no one else upon the earth does.
to tend to the flame of purity that fuels my soul.
to tend to the sacred flame that is my duty to care for.
to tend the flame that is my duty to hold sacred.
to tend the flame and honor my soul and carry out my sacred duty.
to tend the flame that I arrived here with burning and carry out my sacred duty to complete my work.  to return to my seat of ascension which I abandoned long ago as I set out on the journey I am to complete in this lifetime.  to remain true to that path.  no matter how utterly alone I will be so much of the time and no matter how many betray me, no matter how many deny me, no matter how many abandon and turn on me.  I must in the end find a way to love myself beyond all of these things.  I must come to know that these things are there to show me the way back home to my seat of purity, love, kindness and exaltation.
my true purpose in life is to tend to the flame that I arrived here with burning and carry it forward through time and space and through and past everything that I would face here.  And carry out my sacred duty to complete my work.  to return back to my rightful seat.  to my seat of ascension which I abandoned so long ago when I set out on this journey I am completing now in this lifetime.  to remain true to that path.  to that direction.  to that point of light.  no matter what.  no matter now utterly alone i will be much of the time and no matter how many betray me, no matter how many deny me, no matter how many abandon and turn against me.  I must, in the end, find a way to love myself beyond all of these things.  And to realize they simply reflect my own self alienation.  Even though they devastate me to the core of my soul and even though they break my heart so utterly. In the end I must come to know that these things are there to show me the way back home to my sacred seat of purity, of love, of kindness, exaltation and transcendence.   My seat of ascension.  The place I loved so much I was willing to leave to guide people there to join me.  I must go back.  I must return.  And I must do this no matter what the cost.  For it is my obligation.  To humanity and to myself.  And, even though it is hard to believe, to see through to the end, to endure the
hardships of, I know the power of that flame for it burns in me unending.  And I know that I have a sacred duty to see this journey through to completion.  No matter what.  I must find my way home.